I started following another blog recently. http://thekrazycouponlady.com/ Today on facebook she posted a recipe for cookies. Usually I would ignore it and go find my bag of chips ahoy. But at the same time I was reading this Gracie kept telling me she was bored. So I said ok lets try it. I looked at the ingredients and to my surprise I had every single one. I never would have had brown sugar or baking soda in my pantry before I started couponing. Even when I was buying them I couldn't figure out why. I never bake. But when you are getting the stuff for free or for 25 cents why not? I figured if I never used the stuff it would be something else Gracie could bring to school on Fridays for Spirit Shirt Day. (In order to wear their shorts they ahve to bring in food for the food bank)
My point is that I have learned that couponing allows me to purchase extra items and to keep my house full of food. It is very nice to open my pantry and know that we can find something to eat at all times. Since I started couponing it stays stocked. No my stockpile will never be as big as the people on TV because Rickie would probably divorce me. But I like knowing that we always have food. Now if only I can save enough to retire.....................
P.S. I added some pictures of the baking to the other blog of the kids. Click on pictures under links to see them.
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